Healthy Eating Tips from our Personal Trainers in Durham


Happy Wednesday friends! Today we are sharing some of our Durham personal trainers top nutrition tips… 5 to be exact!

  1. Don’t Deprive Yourself: Learn portion control and reward yourself every now and then to avoid binging later! Just make sure you savor your occasional treat!
  2. Food Quality Control: Make sure you use high-quality ingredients that look and smell great like fresh herbs and produce. This will make your healthy dishes more pleasurable overall
  3. It’s All About the Presentation: Make your plate pop with lots of color (fruits and vegetables) and arrange the food in an artistic way. Make your culinary experience as aesthetically appealing as it is delicious!
  4. Add Greens Whenever Possible: Greens aren’t just for salads. Add them to smoothies, sandwiches, and as a garnish. Dark, leafy greens benefit every cell in your body and deliver a variety of nutrients.

  5. Don’t Get Distracted: Put away the phone and devices while you eat. Focus on every bite, texture, and taste, instead of the television. Mindless eating is the quickest way to pack on the pounds!

What are your favorite diet or healthy eating tips? We’d love to learn! For more nutritional guidance, come by our Durham gym and begin training with one of our experienced personal trainers. We are here to help you meet your fitness goals and provide you with smart tips and guidance along the way!
Keep sweatin’ Durham!